What Are The Latest Benefits Of Instagram Reels

On 6 October 2010 Kevin Systorm an American computer program launched a social networking system based on photos with the name of Instagram. Today Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users and 500 million daily users.             


Instagram being the most popular social media app connects the people around the globe. Users can create their individual profile through google or Facebook verification. User can share their photos and videos with music on the background. Instagram also allow users to follow others get followed by others. By following they can see other photos and videos when they post on Instagram.

Instagram Reels Evolution.

Short Video Evolution

According to Science the attention span of Humans is only 8 seconds to 2 minutes. This natural factors has motivated content creators to create short and precise message for viewers. Making of short and precise messages in the videos resulted in the evolution of short videos.


From the last 3 years it is noticed social platform promoting short videos have shown significant growth in number of users. TikTok which was launched in 2016 has shown remarkable growth and crossed other social platforms in number of users. 


Instagram started Reels

Keeping in view the potential of short videos, on 5th August 2020 Instagram started short video streaming with the name of Instagram reels.

 Initially Instagram reels were 15 seconds long. Now Instagram reels are long up to 90 seconds long.

Instagram users can shot a short video from their mobile and post on their account and all editing features are built in in Instagram app. Once they post then their Instagram reel will be visible all Instagram users either they are your follower or not.


What are the benefits of Instagram in Business point of view.

Detailed Message in shorter time.

With Instagram reels we can share the detailed message of our product in shorter time period. Because Now Instagram has given the option of 90 seconds reels.


 Users do not hesitate to view reels for its shorter length. We can make multiple reels about our product making, packaging and other features can share it with customers via Instagram reels.


Quick Attention of users to your business 

Since Instagram reels comply with human attention time span. SO, Instagram reels engage the audience in shorter period with video engagement. This helps the user to remember your business message easily without any long-time taking message. 

Larger Audience

With Instagram reels we can expand our business to larger number of audiences. 


Because according the research Instagram users spend 17.6Million hours daily in watching Instagram reels. So with Instagram reels we can share easy message to larger audience in most convenient method.


Business promotion with entertainment

Since initially Instagram reels were meant for entertainment purpose. That is why we can put our business message and ads with nice music on background. This not only make our business adds more attractive but also entertaining for viewers.


Short tutorials for updates

With Instagram reels you can make short tutorial videos to share lates updates about your business products. You can share how to unbox your product and method to how to use for better user experience.

Short Announcements

With Instagram reels you can quick announcements about upcoming products., Arrival for new stocks and other useful announcements for your customers. You can share your future ideas by recording short video message via Instagram reels.


Quick Feedback

The most important feature of Instagram reels for your business is quick feedback. With comment option customers can comment about your products on Instagram reels. So you can get right feedback about your business instantly and then make your decisions. 

Having discussed the benefits of Instagram reels for business. There are some disadvantages which  we cannot ignore. Social media has some bad impacts in teenagers and kids. We will discuss how Instagram reels can be harmful for kids. 


How Instagram can harm our kids.

Explicit content

When using Instagram, kids may find many accounts with explicit and inappropriate content.


 By watching their reels and following them kids may get distracted which is very harmful for kids.


Bad Mental Health and behavior.

According to studies Instagram reels damages the mental health of kids.

 Kids minds are innocent and they try to adapt whatever they see on social media. By watching explicit content, they get unhealthy thoughts which damages their mental as well as physical health. Which results in change in the 


Excessive screen time

Instagram reels can be addictive for Kids. Kids spend hours and hours in watching Instagram reels. This cause serious damage to their eyes.


 By watching Instagram reels for longer period kids eye sight may get low which is lifetime loss at early age.

So, keep an eye on your kids when they are watching Instagram reels and guide them to unfollow unhealthy content from Instagram.  Now we will guide you,


How to download Instagram reels in simple steps from your mobile in simple steps.

Step1. Download and Install Instagram in mobile

Open play store from your mobile and download Instagram from pay store. 


Click on the open button and open the Instagram.

Step2. Open the home page and click on the reels options.


Step3. After reaching at the reels option click on the share button.


Step4. Next you will see next page with multiple options, then click on the copy link button.


Step5. Open the chrome browser and type Instagram reels download in the search bar.


Step6. Choose any link of your choice and open.


Step7. Past the copied link the search bar. And click on the download button.


. And click on the download button


Step8. In next window again click on the download button and then your reel will start to download in the mobile.


Your downloaded reel will be saved into your account.

So, we have discussed the Instagram reels. Instagram reels are useful for promoting our business online with maximum number of audiences. There are some side effects or harms of Instagram reels on kids which should kept in mind. And we can download Instagram reels easily in simple steps.






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