How To Become Guest Posting Specialist

What is meant by guest post specialist?

The experts in the guest post field who have a very good grip in blogging websites searching and a good client hunting experience are the guest post specials. Guest posting has its own importance in the SEO field and guest posting is a very important aspect of SEO. As every site is useless without SEO, the same as the SEO is incomplete without guest posting.Let’s talk about how you can become a guest post specialist.


1. Good English Grip

A good English grip is very important in the field of guest posting. As we know we have to bargain with the admins of blogging websites and to chat with the clients so english is very essential in guest posting. Sometimes clients demand you to have a live google zoom meeting, and will ask you about your previous works and also talk about strategies, so good english is very important if you want to be a guest post specialist.


2. Website Searching

As we know guest posting completely depends upon the blogging websites and when we talk about the guest post specialist he has good website searching skills. He knows the importance of searching and he searches websites on google,bing, facebook and all other platforms and has a wide range of searching websites.


3. Website Data

To be successful in the field of guest posting you should have a good number of high quality websites to show clients and to publish their articles. The website’s data of guest post specialists is always unique and good enough so clients can’t reject it and buy a post.The role of websites data is very important if you want to get success in guest posting.


4. Non-English Language Website Data

Besides the english language websites the guest post specialist also has a wide range of non-english websites like French,Spanish and Portuguese etc. its is also very important to collect the non english data because there are chances that non-english clients have a good budget as compared to english language client and there are also the chances of getting bulk order on non-english data.


5. Clients Requirements

The sign of a professional guest posting expert is that he always fulfils the requirements of their clients and shows the data which is the actual requirement of their client. Whenever a client demands a special kind of website, he shows the data immediately and receives appreciation from the clients.For example when client asks to show me the fashion related USA traffic websites then guest posting specialist shows them sites immediately.


6. Client Searching

Client searching is one of the most important points of guest posting. All of your websites are useless until you find a client. So the client is the first priority of a guest post specialist. They find clients from different sources and also find SEO agencies. Guest posting specials sets a strategy to find some clients through links and some through keywords and remaining through the other sources.


7. Client Searching On Linkedin

As we know that LinkedIn is a very important social media app and used very much in the field of complete SEO and guest posting. A guest post spiclas gives a special importance to linkedin and sends daily connections to SEO related people. The main advantage of linkedin is that you can find the exact person related to your SEO field. There are many individual clients available on linked and also as well as SEO agencies who may give you the guest post orders on the same sites every month.


If want to know how to search client on linked In visit this page :-


8. Emails Templates

When you have good data and clients then your Email template comes. The email you sent to your client should be attractive so that client gives you attention and must think that you are the professional one. The thing which tells the clients how professional or experienced you are is your email template so make sure that your email template is professional and arranges the site in such a way so that clients find it easy to read and view your websites.


9. Emails Sending Time

The other thing which professionals follow is Email sending time. You should know the time working time of the clients in which country you are working, so before sending an email to your client you should check the current time of the country of your client and try to send them mail in their working time. It will be very beneficial for you because clients get many emails everyday so if you send them mail at the right time there are the chances of getting the mail opened and order from your clients.


10. Team Work

Team working is the real base of your success in the guest posting field. You should have a team and expert seniors who guide you in every situation, so that you can get the maximum advantage through guest posting and become the expert of your field. To be successful in any field you should have a teacher because he knows well how to deal with the clients and how much the pricing should be.


11. Clients Searching On Trust Pilot and

How Do I Find Guest Posting Clients On Trustpilot Step By Step

You should start client searching on trust pilot and because these are the one of the most common websites on which you can find individual clients as well as the SEO agencies. So make sure to add these two websites in your daily client searching so that you can get the maximum advantage and have more chances to get the orders. These are the platforms which may be used by the guest post specials.


If don’t know how to find clients from trust pilot and read this :-


Note :- Make contact 50+ blogging websites and finds 150-200 clients daily some from links and some from keywords and remaining from other sources.






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