Guest Posting Facebook Group Links

How to find guest posting clients from Facebook

Can we find guest posting clients from Facebook? Finding clients for guest posting is a prime concern for every blogger. We spend hours and hours in google surfing to find useful clients. Many times, we fail to find client relevant to our niche. But if you are a regular Facebook user then finding guest posting clients can be a very simple for you by using Facebook.

In this article we will figure out how we can find guest posting clients from Facebook in simple steps.

Step1. Make a Professional Facebook Profile

First of all, go to and create your account. It will require your name, Date of Birth and email ID and set a suitable password for you.




Make sure to make your profile professional. Mention a brief introduction about your services and you can also paste a link of your website in your Facebook Profile.

Step2. Find and Join Guest posting Facebook Groups

Open Your Facebook account and type guest posting groups in the search bar. You will find list of guest posting clients groups.


Then click on the join button. Some Group admins will ask you your purpose of joining and you have to fulfill a questionnaire.



After checking your profile analyzing your answers admins will approve your requests. One thing that must be kept in mind while joining the groups is relevancy. Always join the relevant groups to get maximum beneficial audience.


Before Moving to Next step let’s address the question that why we should use Facebook groups for finding our Guest post clients.

Why to Join Guest posting Clients Groups from Facebook?

It is fortunate that Facebook being a leading social media app is widely used be every online business owner and service provider. These guests posting Facebook groups brings like minded people closer to each other. This is the reason that Guest posting clients groups from Facebook provides opportunities for better connection building with clients.

Step3. Introduce Yourself in the groups

Don’t directly ask your clients about guest posts. Always start with your brief introduction with your background and experience. Start a chat in the groups by sharing your thoughts and ask opinion of others to get the attention of people. This will improve your acceptance in the groups. Then you can share your websites with the clients better in inbox.

Step4. Post Useful Content for Group Members

This step is very important to enhance your relations in the groups. You can share useful information related to your business category


This will increase number of people in your comment box and clients will notice your presence in the group.

Step5. Share your websites in the Inbox or WhatsApp

Share your websites in the Inbox with Clients. You can also get client’s email and WhatsApp number for better dealing in more private sources. Once you reach at this level then you are good to go.

We have discussed what are the perks of finding guest post clients from Facebook. But there are certain limitations associated with this method let’s find out.

What are the disadvantages of Finding Guest posts clients from Facebook?

  • Chances of Scam

There are always chances of scam in finding guest post clients from Facebook. Many scammers join these groups and they can give you bad experience by scamming in payments or providing low quality websites.

  • Information leak

Information of your guest post clients from Facebook often get leaked. Because many people within guest posting clients groups can access to your profile. Other can offer your client same services for lower price.

  • Saturation

Since groups of guest post clients from Facebook are easy to join. So, these groups get overcrowded with people providing same services. Chances of finding guest post client from Facebook becomes lower.

  • Outdated Content 

Guest post service providers from Facebook are usually resellers. They rarely have their own websites. They share hundreds of websites in bulk with outdated metrics of websites. These websites usually do not rank well at Google. That is why clients do not prefer guest post sites from Facebook.

We have presented with you method of reaching guest post clients from Facebook. We have gone through the benefits and limitations of finding guest post clients from Facebook. Now we have compiled a list of useful guest post clients groups from Facebook to save your time and better approach. You just click on the links and start finding your guest post clients from Facebook from the following links

Guest Posting Clients Facebook Group Links






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